This will follow up with a button asking you to confirm whether you want to "purchase" the item or not, however, since this is a no-cost transaction, simply click Get Now and the item will be added to your inventory. To add an item to your inventory, simply click on the item that you like the look of. In their Avatar Shop, also known as the Catalog, you can find a huge selection of both player created, and ROBLOX created gear to suit your Avatars style! We've sorted the catalog by price low-to-high and filtered only ROBLOX's own items for you here, but it's easy to find all free items by simply switching the creator in the sidebar to all creators. ROBLOX doesn't only use promo codes to offer free avatar gear. ROSSMANNCROWN2021 - Crown of Electrifying Guitars hat.

MERCADOLIBREFEDORA2021 - White Flamingo Fedora.